Freshen up your smile with Smile Brilliant!

I've never had especially white teeth. Not sure why that is exactly, except that I like everything that's bad for my teeth: coffee, tea, wine etc so I'm sure that doesn't help. I'm a "but coffee first" person every morning followed by green or herbal tea in the afternoon. When the evening rolls around, I enjoy a glass of wine (usually white) or tequila with lime. None of these habits are great for keeping your teeth looking their best. Wine and other spirits are acidic and can make the teeth more porous which can lead to staining. I try little tricks here and there, like making sure to swish with water after drinking dark liquids and not letting them rest on my teeth too long. 

hands holding vintage tea cup with nail art and rings by Janna Conner

I also have tooth sensitivity so I stopped using tooth paste a few years back. My dentist had recommended just using baking soda, which actually works great for cleaning your teeth- it just doesn't taste that great. It's literally like pouring salt in your mouth - bleh. I had noticed recently that my teeth were looking a little sub par and was excited when Smile Brilliant reached out and asked me if I was interested in trying their at home whitening kit. Guess I wasn't the only one who noticed my teeth needed a little refresh. 
smiling with teeth and sunglasses in sun
Smile Brilliant sent me a kit in the mail which consists of assorted vials of blue putty which you push and shape into two universal dental trays and then insert in your mouth, bite down, take the impression and voilà a few minutes later and you're done. You let them dry out for a few hours,  (I think I did mine overnight) then send them in with the enclosed shipping label. Easy peasy. A few days later your new customized trays will arrive along with vials of whitening gel and de-sensitizing gel. All within the comforts of your own home, no annoying appointments or waiting in the dentist's office, just do it at your convenience at home. 
closeup of teeth before whitening
 Closeup of Before

Following the directions, I did the whitening primarily at night. You can build up the length of time that you leave the whitening gel on so that you decrease sensitivity. I started with around 45 minutes to an hour and then gradually increased to about 1.5 - 2 hours. After you're done whitening, wash off the gel and then dry out the mold, rinse and dry your teeth. Takes 1 min, promise. Then apply the desensitizing gel in your tray and leave it in for about 20 minutes. Take the tray out and then leave the remaining residue in your mouth overnight - just go to bed, don't rinse. This helps re-hydrate your teeth after the whitening process and preventing new stains from taking hold.

Smile Brilliant Whitening Trays and Whitening Gel Syringes

 The gels were tasteless and when I did experience sensitivity I either took a few days off or I just didn't put any whitening gel in those teeth cavities. I noticed I had more sensitivity towards the back of my mouth where I've had dental work so I just didn't put whitening gel on those and made sure to put de-sensitizing gel on after. To find out more about how to whiten sensitive teeth click here

teeth whitened with smile brilliant

Et voilà....After
Unlike with generic white strips that you buy at the drugstore, I had little to no sensitivity and I liked the customization that was possible with the individual whitening vials. I could skip certain teeth and just whiten others (my front two teeth were the most discolored) whereas with store bought whitening strips it's an all or nothing experience. In the past, if I used whitening strips too frequently not only were my teeth sensitive to cold but my gums would get irritated as well. (Even with the sensitive lower dosage formulas) To learn more about extreme post whitening sensitivity click here
I also wasn't looking for that insanely unnatural glow in the dark white teeth that some people get after they professionally whiten.  Picture Ross from the Friends episode with the black light and how his teeth glowed in the dark. Um, no thanks. My teeth look whiter but natural which is exactly what I wanted. If I want them whiter, I can continue to use as needed. I even traveled with them and found they were great for on the go. The vials have a little cap for additional uses and weren't messy at all. Use them on your next overnight flight, or use them at home while you're netflixing and chilling. Overall, a great experience! I highly
Wait, there's more!  Don't just trust me, try it yourself!
Get 15% off your Smile Brilliant Kit
with code: jannaconner15
For one week I'm partnering with Smile Brilliant for a GIVEAWAY of a $149 Smile Brilliant credit. Open to USA, UK, Australia and Canadian residents!! Enter here

Whitening kit provided by Smile Brilliant. Opinions stated are mine. Photo of hands by Veronica Kablan.












Tooth Whitening Gel
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Wow. This product sure made a big difference. Ironically, I was just thinking about my teeth today. I could use a bit of whitening! Thank you for sharing.


Your teeth look amazing!! I wanna check this out for sure.


Sounds great! Love those pearly whites 😁


My teeth are sensitive, as well. Annnd I do abuse them with a LOT of coffee LOL! I am terrified of the dentist, so much that I am nearly hyperventilating while I write this! I think I’m going to have to try this, you look great! Thanks for the review!

Shannon Dewease

Sharing your experience gives me hope that I can still enjoy my coffee without visible damage to my teeth. The brand is worth a try if it really does as you stated.


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